Sunday, June 24, 2012

Get away from me you're gay!

Really? do you think because someone is gay that you can't hang out with them or be friends with them because they will hit on you? GET OVER YOURSELF! SERIOUSLY!

I am Jazzy and I am a gay ally and I am proud to support a community of wonderful amazing people that choose to sleep with people of their same sex, what is that to you? if someone prefers to kiss someone of their own sex? think about it, do you not want to be around a person because they kiss someone that is of the same sex as they are? because quite honestly, I have kissed men that are total and complete assholes, even some gross ones when I was in my early 20's and getting wasted and kissing frogs.

Ok, so I will be honest, this is after all my blog and on here I need to let out my sins and even though sometimes I am ashamed of the things that I have done in the past, I have to put them on here so that if you come across this blog and you read this and you can relate in some way, then at least you know that you are not alone and that we all go through similar feelings regardless if we are men or women and that hey, your not the only crazy one out there.  I AM CRAZY TOO!

So here it is, when I was in my early 20's frequenting gay clubs in NYC with my female friend Jessie, I used to be a complete homophobic person.  Let me explain myself before you start cursing me out.  I never had a problem with gay men, but I had a problem with lesbians and my friend Jen would always say to me, Jazz your a homophobic and I would be like NO I'M NOT! but in reality, I did feel completely uncomfortable around women that liked other women.  I used to work in the West Village in NYC when I was about 18 years old and in the West Village was probably the only place where you would see openly gay couples holding hands and kissing.  They would stand outside the GNC store where I worked and make out and I would look at them and go.  OMG! gross, REALLY? YOU HAVE TO DO THAT IN MY FACE!

And then I learned a very valuable lesson, I flew home one day to my beautiful country of Colombia and waiting for me was my uncle/aunt Margaret, he Carlos was a transvestite and when I walked out into the airport waiting area and I saw him dressed in drag, I could care less because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM SO MUCH! that I didn't see the cloths! all I saw was my wonderful uncle who used to take care of me when I was a little girl and loved me unconditionally and taught me how to milk cows in my grandfathers farm.  When I hugged him, I could feel everyone looking at us and I felt so pissed off that people were looking at him and saying things to each other.  Anyone who knows me well knows my short fuse and the fact that when it comes to my family and friends, I get very defensive.  I think maybe it was in that moment that I realized what a fake I probably was, here I was hugging and kissing my beautiful uncle/aunt who I loved unconditionally, but when I saw two men kissing I would make a face.   It was time for me to really understand what being gay is.  Being gay to my uncle was not a choice, it was a feeling it was who he was.  My uncle liked men since he was old enough to feel attracted to another human being.  Regardless of what anyone thought or said though, he had accepted himself and was brave enough in those days over 10 years ago to be PROUD! 

I began to become closer to him after that, meaning we began to talk more on the phone and have a different sort of relationship, because I was older and already had my first child.  From him I learned that he was just as kind if not even kinder then people who are straight, I became close to his boyfriend who was an amazing guy the most coolest humble person I ever had the opportunity of knowing.

I'm sorry, I just started crying thinking about my uncle who I miss so much, (he died of aids) so I lost my train of thought.  I am writing this because I understand what being judged is and I understand what it's like to feel uncomfortable about being around gay people.  But that was before I had the opportunity to really understand that being gay is not a disease or some sort of choice, being gay just means that you feel more comfortable kissing someone of your same sex, but you are a person just like anyone else, they have feelings and go through rough times and difficulties just like the next person.  I since have changed very much.  

I also understand the human mind a little better and learned that we judge people because it is easier to put people into categories in order for our brains to make sense of all the information we have to constantly absorb.  But the way to STOP judging others based on their sexual preferences, is to let go of the belief that just because a woman likes other women, it doesn't mean she will automatically like me or want me.  It doesn't mean she will disrespect me or say something to me that is inappropriate.  Basically in order for one to stop being judgmental about situations and people, is to educate ourselves, to be more open minded, to get to know someone and give them the opportunity to see who they are without putting them in a category and feeling a certain way about them based on the fact that our brain automatically places people in categories in order to be able to assess information.  So, yes let your brain work, but also allow it to absorb even further by giving everyone a fair chance.

PLEASE! there are some extremely wonderful human beings that are gay and amazing!


More about my gay uncle......May he rest in peace! I LOVE YOU!;postID=5814262231490325287

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