Tuesday, May 24, 2011


About a month ago, I was finally able to have my singing debut! yes, you did read correctly, I had a debut.......at the karaoke bar in Astoria Queens NYC!  I have to say however, that if a talent scout would of happen to walk by that bar as I was singing, I would for sure have been singned for a record deal! That night I had the best time ever.  I had never been to a karaoke bar in my life, believe it or not.  Although I am very outgoing and sometimes can be quite loud, I am actually pretty shy (yes, I am a bit shy, about certain things) that night, we only went there because my cousin was wearing sneakers and not allowed into any other place we wanted to go to.  It was just one of those nights were you set out with a plan and all the plans fail, but those are the nights that turn out to be the most fun.  

When I started singing, I made sure to tell my cousins to please use my IPhone to record my performance, because with out a doubt, after that night was over, I would be sending this video out to different record companies, for them to review and give me a record deal.

Fast forward to about a week ago after the night in question.  And I am sitting on the train and am going through pics on my phone and there it was, the recording that when sober I had forgotten all about.  As a matter of fact, I don't even think I had seen the recording.  So of course I started watching it, and I have to say, that I could not contain my laughter! It was the worst singing and dancing performance I had ever seen in my life, the best part about the whole thing was, that my audience was being extremely supportive and encouraging to my act.  Needless to say, thank God for alcohol!

While watching this hilarious video that I will only share with the people closest to me, I remembered that one of the songs I sang along side my back up singer aka my cousin no good (yes that's what we call him) was the lovely song 'your beautiful' by 
James Blunt.  After I was done watching the video and calming down from the laughter that made my day, and realized that there were a few people on the train looking at me.  I looked for the song on my IPhone and began to listen to it.  

Immediately, as I was listening to it, thoughts of him filled my head.  About two months ago, I was on the subway on my way somewhere, I cannot remember exactly where I was going, but it was definitely not somewhere that is on my regular routine.  Meaning it was at an unusual hour that I would not normally take the train.  

Anyway, I'm sitting on the train, and in he walks with his friend.  Usually when I am sitting on the train what I do is either read or write, so I am not usually looking around at anything unless I'm just tired and giving my mind a break.  For some reason however, as they walked in I looked up and him and I caught each others eye.  Immediately I began to move around not knowing where to look, I began to feel uncomfortable, because seeing such beauty before me, was seriously nerve wrecking and extremely distracting.  I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing anymore, I couldn't think straight I couldn't stay still, because all I wanted to do is look at him.  And every single time I would look up at him, he was looking at me as well, while continuing to speak to his friend.  This lasted for what like seemed an hour, but in reality, it takes about two minutes to go from one train stop to the other.  Actually it probably takes less then that.  As I am looking at him and all sorts of thoughts are trying to pop up in my mind but I can't even concentrate for one second to let the thought sit long enough for me to absorb it.  I realize that the next stop finally comes and he gets up to leave the train.  When I see this, I get even more anxious, but what happens next is what made this whole story worth telling.  

He is now standing outside of the train, and we are looking dead into each others eyes as if we are magnetized by the moment.  I look at him and almost open my mouth to say something but the words wouldn't come out, then I'm thinking OMG I can't get up, but I want to get out of this train right now and go to him and I feel paralyzed and I'm thinking OMG, what do I do? what do I do? and he is standing outside of the train, staring back at me almost as if he wants to get back on the train or wants me to get off of the train and his friend is still talking to him but he is not paying attention to him, because we are lost in this magical moment of some sort of trans.  We were talking to each other with our eyes, no words were required.  And it felt like time had just stopped and no one else was around us.  And it also felt like we both wanted to run to each other, but we couldn't, we were stuck to the ground, stuck but with our eyes saying come come! But then, the doors begin to close and as they begin to close we realize it and finally manage to smile at each other.  Now the doors are closed and we are still smiling as the train begins to ride away.  Finally, when I get my composure back, I am left there wondering what the hell just happened??? OMG, why didn't I get off the train? what the hell just happened! what if the man of my dreams, just got away!  

For the rest of the ride, I couldn't stop thinking about him.  He was Albino, pale, but it looked like he had a tan, he had no hair on his head or eye brows I don't think he even had lashes.  His eyes were round and dark, his nose was small and round and his lips were full, his head was perfectly round and his physique was slender and tall.  He was absolutely beautiful to me.  But the thing is, that to the bulk of the population, he was probably not attractive at all.  

I realized in that moment, when I finally was able to hold a thought, that I had not seen his outer beauty or really noticed it much because, what I had really seen, was his soul.  I saw him through his eyes.  His outer appearance was not relevant to the beauty I witnessed.  He was just beautiful! I had to close my eyes for a second just now, to really remember his actual looks, so that I could describe him.  

Often, after that happened he will pop up in my thoughts out of no where.   Who was he? what was his name? where was he going? who was his friend? why didn't he talk to me? how would it have been? where did he live? that beautiful smile, those perfect teeth, that glow!

I have lived in NYC all of my life, I have been on the trains a million times, yet nothing like that had ever happened to me.  I had a moment like that of the James Blunt song, and I wonder, how many people this has happened to?  I wonder if he thinks of me and wonders who I was?  But I have to face the truth, I will never be with him.  I will never see him again, because that is not a usual train route for me.  Still, I shared a wonderful moment with him, a moment that I will never forget.  

Or maybe one day, he will come across this blog post realize that it was him I'm writing about, and come looking for me........Never mind, that only happens in movies.  Still, I believe I had a movie moment and it was awesome!

To whomever you were, this blog post is dedicated to you! I SAW AN ANGEL, OF THAT I'M SURE!



  1. That night was so much fun!

  2. LMAO! we are definitely going there again! It was sooooo much fun! lol..


What happens in Vegas!

 Dear Journal - I know it has been sometime since I last wrote but as of late, my life has been pretty busy! I came on here tonight to write...