Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It has been almost 7 weeks since my last confession and I have been a bad Jazzy.. Ok so I have been running minimum 4 days a week about 2 miles per day at least.  There have been weeks that I am sincerely dragging, but I don't give up.  I have to be honest with you that when I first started writing my road to the race entries, back in January.  OMG I can't believe it's been that long! I almost did it because knowing that I had to update you on my progress almost gave me an incentive or motivation to work hard at it.  Of course, the fact that I really love to run helps, but there have been days that I was just so physically tired, that I have no idea how I pulled it off. 

When I first started my 16 week training plan for my race, I had gotten a plan from the trainer at my gym who is awesome.  But on the third week or so, I realized that I would probably not reach his expectations, and sort of modified the intensity of his program.  Of course I went to him first and told him he was killing me softly! and after we both laughed about my comment, we came up with a modified plan that better suited my pace.

I have ran the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC, I ran in my neighborhood, and of course the treadmill, but my longest most successful run was when I went to Lincoln Nebraska.  WOOOO HOOO GO NEBRASKA!  I had been feeling like I was not able to run long distance, it almost felt like I was getting very tired at only 2.5 miles, the race that I am training for is 3.5 miles, so I have been very nervous about this.  Although my speed is most definitely much better, I still haven't done the mileage.  So when I went to Nebraska and saw how fresh the air felt and how it was flat and looked really peaceful and the weather was awesome, I went on my run and completely lost myself in the moment.  It was so awesome in fact, that I got lost.  Like seriously lost on some road.  So I called my friend and she told me how to get back to her home and as I was hanging up I heard her and my other friend laughing saying these things only happen to Jazzy.... YES THEY DO! It was pretty funny, but I was seriously really happy because I am sure that I ran at least 4 miles, of course I couldn't track my run because I couldn't get the stupid app on my IPhone to work before getting started.  And, since I have no patience, I just ran without it.  As I was running in Nebraska, I have to say that all I could think of was wow! one of the best runs thus far.  It was simply just magnificent.  I also had to constantly remind myself to slow down, because my goal is not to be a fast runner, it is just simply to run my very first race ever and actually make it to the finish line.
My diet, well, if eating an Angus Burger with fries is a diet, then I'm doing really well with it.  I actually have lost since January about a total of 3pounds, because well, I'm a fatso and I love to eat.  I have to say that I have not been eating any steak except for the beef I ate while having the absolutely delicious cheddar cheese and mushroom Angus Burger from McDonalds......SLAMIN! Have you tried it???? You simply must!  Ok I'm getting seriously hungry as I am on the train right now and it is 9:00 am and I haven't had any breakfast.

Needles to say, I need to continue to work on my eating habits but that's a tough one because food is just so simply awesome! My friend during our trip to Nebraska, told me that she was proud of me because she noticed I had really good eating habits.  Well, if having two different kinds of cheesecakes is considered good eating habits then hell yeah!

That is it reader, I hope you will forgive me for my sins....If you are wondering what my sins are, they are...... Sorry I can't tell you EVERYTHING I did in Nebraska! Because well, you all know that what happnes in Nebraska, stays in Nebraska DUH!.....I can say this, I had a great run and I met some AWESOME people! 

Thank you so much for your support and by that I mean, for reading my blog and getting me through this training period or rather, this big change in my life.  I love to run, it is now becoming part of my life, like brushing my teeth or combing my hair.  I could not have done it without thinking that someone out there is rooting for me and by that someone, I mean you, yeah you who is reading this right now and my ever so faithful Journal! 
Ok got to go now, this is my train stop.


  1. I wrote a whole comment and it disappeared! I was saying I have to start running again, 30lbs heavier since I had kids, and XL sports bra to prove it...arrggh! When you run the only thing that matters is your breathing, it's you against yourself. I loved running in my teens and early twenties and could eat anything I wanted. I miss it. Have to get those sneakers out!

  2. GET THOSE SNEAKERS OUT GIRL! :) I only started running like 6 years ago, but only really started being faithful to it for the last like 3 years. I LOVE IT! I feel energetic, I feel happier and I do eat anything and don't gain weight. However, I feel that I need to drop about 10 pounds so that I can be lighter on my feet so I need to really watch my diet :( I try, but food is just so damn good :)

  3. Someone else told me they couldn't comment :(


What happens in Vegas!

 Dear Journal - I know it has been sometime since I last wrote but as of late, my life has been pretty busy! I came on here tonight to write...