Sunday, November 11, 2012


Dear Journal:

Lately I have been thinking a lot about psychology and what it means to me and how much I love it and what I would like to do once I get my degree in it.  I honestly have to say that I absolutely love the research aspect of it, I think it is fascinating how these psychologists come up with hypothesis and try to uncover all sorts of reasons why? and how? why do humans behave this way? and how can we help them if need be?  I LOVE IT! anyway, for the last year I have observed very similar behavior in men on dating sites and I have to say that men really never cease to amaze me in that they are all the same.  Now I am not saying this in a bad way AT ALL.  I mean this honestly in a good way.  Like I'm amazed how we humans all sort of display the same sorts of behaviors based on our gender.  Not only do I notice the behaviors in men on line, but I also notice it in men in the real world and of all ages.  It truly fascinates me.

I have absolutely nothing to write about right now because my life isn't very eventful lately and I have to admit that I like it that way.  It is a calm after an emotional storm and I feel really good! I love when I am so focused.  This morning I got up and I ran a little over 3 miles and that always makes me feel happy.  I am so jealous of my friend KJ, whenever we talk he will always say things like... I ran 10 miles and I'm always like FOR REAL??? dammit! I want to run 10 miles! I honestly have to say that I am getting better at distance and that makes me feel so happy! I don't know that I have a goal, but well a few years ago I once ran 6 miles and that felt awesome, I think deep down I want to sort of train to maybe run a few 5k races and just really really get involved in serious running.  I love it, I really really do! the feeling that I get when I become one with the road is unlike anything else, it makes me feel free, it's quite awesome!

Ok, so I am like on a ton of dating sites and I decided that randomly I am going to put on my blog, conversations that I have with men.  I want to do this because I think it's fun and also because well, sometimes I just want to change it up on my blog! so, without further a do, below is a few conversations that I had through this week with men online.  By the way, I practice one very simple rule on line.  That rule is, if this man was in front of me, would I say to his face, what I am writing to him? if I would, then I hit the send button! please remember, that behind every picture on internet profiles, there is a person on the other side.  PLEASE TREAT EVERYONE WITH LOVE AND RESPECT!

The first conversation that I will share is one that I had today... People are really mean this is a conversation with a 29 year old....

Him: You are very sexy I must say!
Me: Thank you
Him: Where in BK are you from?
Him: We should meet?
Me: I can't, I already started talking to someone I like.  Thank you though! if it doesn't work out, I will send you a message and if your still around then maybe we can.
Him: You know I'm better looking
Me: no response
Him: U need to try my young meat (he is 29)
Me: (at this point sort of pissed off due to him disrespecting me) No thank you! And btw, he's younger that you are and VERY respectful! Good luck to you!
Him: Of course he is lol... fat pig!
Me: Thanks, your so mature
Him: I am
Me: Calling someone a fat pig is really mean and disrespectful.  You lied in your profile, you said you were a nice guy!  Wow! I honestly am never shocked anymore, people really sadden me sometimes!  Either way, I send you much love and hope that you find someone with as much respect and kindness as you have.  Please stop emailing me, your messages are insulting and unnecessary! Good luck to you!

By the way, this was a 29 year old educated man who is in the Human Resources industry! WOW! need I say more?? OH and on his profile, it said that he was sweet and caring...UM.. OK! 

Moral of this story? Thank God! I am happy being a fat pig! and have been on dating sites now for over 4 years.  Imagine if I was someone who was on this site looking for someone special? DO YOU IMAGINE! HORRIBLE!


Ok, got to get back to some writing... I have to write a paper for school! I was just taking a break...Oh and sorry, that was just one conversation... I said I would write down a few conversations, but I really have to run!

ta ta journal!

Christina Aguilera - Beautiful

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What happens in Vegas!

 Dear Journal - I know it has been sometime since I last wrote but as of late, my life has been pretty busy! I came on here tonight to write...