Thursday, August 4, 2011

Aristotle's unmoved mover is also my God!

Aristotle, did not only resemble the man of my dreams (I don't really have a man of my dreams, but I had to come up with a juicy start so you could keep reading) but he was also a brilliant crazy Greek Philosopher that changed the way the western civilization saw many things.  

Not only was he the student of my Plato (oh Plato! You were sooo HOT) but he had this theory about God or in his words The Unmoved Mover, that when I read it and learned about it, I could not help but to believe it.

I was raised as a Catholic and I guess that maybe I still am, but that's not my religion.  Actually, as I told a co-worker the other day, my religion is LOVE.  Yes LOVE, when you think of religion and the religious leaders through out history, and when you think about what they preached, if you pay attention, it is easy to come up with the conclusion, that with LOVE to other people and things, everything else is attainable.  

Love allows you to treat others kindly thus allowing the other negative human emotions that we feel, to sort of be easier to control.  If you love, you won't lie, you won't cheat, you won't steal, you won't feel jealousy, you won't feel revenge, you won't feel bitter, you won't feel angered, you will just feel, well, pretty darn happy! I think love and happiness are related in that when our heart is full of love, we feel a sense of fulfillment and when I am fulfilled, I am pretty darn happy.

Of course, it is really hard to obtain this pure love that I speak of, it is difficult because we are human, and as such, we struggle with life and challenges every single day of our lives.  I try to love, but sometimes, I must admit that certain people, bring out other sides of my personality, that I am nor proud of nor happy to feel.  However, when I get these horrible feelings, I look to love for guidance.  Love, always steers me in the right direction.

Now back to Aristotle and his hotness! Aristotle says, that all motion must have come from something, because everything is constantly moving.  He questioned, that if there wasn't something greater where all motion began or begins, that how could we be? how could we evolve when evolution comes from motion? All creation started somewhere, with some sort of motion.  

Before I go on with my half assed explanation, please forgive me in advance, if you are well more educated then I am in this topic, which is sort of a topic on physics, but I am just trying to make a comparison or actually trying to make a point using Aristotle's theory.  Additionally, this is sort of how my Philosophy professor presented this to us, but I came out with my own conclusion.  

I came up with the conclusion, that the un moved mover, was Aristotle's God, because although he did not give it that name, meaning, Aristotle did not call it God.  His explanation of the un moved mover, was he's theory of God, because he could not explain in any other way, the questions that we all have.  

Or at least the questions that I have which are, where do we come from? how is this? where did it start? how and why? In other words, I know that I am sounding confusing, but Aristotle called what we would call God or something greater then us, he called it "the un moved mover". (I always forget if the period comes before the quotation marks or at the end of a sentence so annoying!).

He said, that the un moved mover was pure and never ending energy that it was so extremely powerful, that all things are drawn to it, thus making us want to go to it due to it's powerful energy.  He said that it was sort of this cosmic un describable magnetic energy.  It's so magnetic that it is completely still, but it is moving, because we are drawn to it, so our energy or the fact that we move towards it, means that in some form the un moved mover is also moving.  THAT'S HOW POWERFUL IT IS! I know, CRAZY! do you not feel drawn to love?

I never used to think about religion growing up, because to me, it was what it was.  I had to pray to go to bed, I had to do what my parents taught me or not really my parents but my mom.  I had to go to church on Sundays (and kiss my boyfriend in the back of the church, cause I never really ever made it there) and I had to be a good Christian.  Yet as a teenager, I would steal stuff.  

One day, when I was madly in love with someone (I know you are going to be like oh no! not Benjamin again) but it's true, when I fell in love with him and found out after like a year that he was Jewish (him and I never discussed religion nor did I care about his religious beliefs) All of a sudden, I began to feel really sad and confused, about the fact that if Catholicism was the only true religion and that if someone was not catholic (aka the man that I loved) was not catholic, then If I was going to be saved and my soul was going to be saved, what then, would happen to the soul of this wonderful human being that I had fallen madly and desperately in love with? what of my love and his soul? 

I was so sad, by the fact that it was not his fault that he was Jewish, after all, he was born into it, his mother is Jewish and therefore, he is Jewish and was brought up on those beliefs and although he was already a grown man with his own opinions that were so similar to mine and we had so many ideas in common, we believed and saw the world in the same way yet we were so different and did not have the same religion, how could this be? what of my love and his soul? it was mind boggling! 

That is when I decided that I could no longer follow or believe in such a thing as religion, I wanted to feel that everyone I ever encountered would get from me, the same kind of love and respect regardless of their religious beliefs.  

Later on, I became friends with BK who I developed this sort of fondness for.  I cannot say that I was in love with him, because I most certainly was not, but I truly loved him or love him as a person and he was/is Muslim.  So, what of my friend BK's soul? where would it go if he was not a Christian? who was I to try to convert him into anything when he was wonderful just the way he was? I use past tense, because we no longer communicate and therefore, I can't talk about him as if he is someone who's in my life, however, when he was, these were the sorts of thoughts that I would have.  

How was it BK's fault that he was Muslim? when that is what he was taught at home? furthermore, there is yet another person in my life who I love.  This person is my gay friend whom I love dearly and he does not believe in God at all, what of his soul? these things really concerned me and made me think of things and see the world in a whole new way almost.   I decided then, that I needed to find something, where I could be almost neutral, yet still follow the rules and laws of being the best possible human being that I could be (which is what religion preaches).

And then, one day, I am sitting in my class learning my favorite thing in the world (Philosophy) and my professor tells us this story of the un moved mover! WOW! was all I could say.  It made so much sense to me in my mind, that there indeed is a GOD that he is all around us, that he is omnipotent, omniscient all powerful.  PURE LOVE! and if I could be even one bit of this, then I would be drawn to him and do right by all living things.  

I do not need to follow any rules, because my heart and soul, knows right and wrong, we all do, we don't need to be taught feelings, because we just all have them, we have them from the moment we are small children.  I know this, because I see the fear, anger, jealousy in my little girl who doesn't do it on purpose.  What does she know of these things other than the fact that she feels them? I did not teach her them, how do you teach feelings?

To me, it is not that which you read on a book that makes things right or wrong.  Instead, is it that external guide, God, the un moved mover (pure love) which guides us in the righteous path.  It is only with pure love, that we can accomplish all things.  I am not pure love, because I am NOT GOD the un moved mover is pure.  I am not perfect, but if I can try to be the best possible person that I will to be, then at least I am one step closer to pure goodness.  

Of course no one will ever reach that in a life time.  We are all humans, we are not omnipotent or omniscient and we sure aren't pure.  But again, I don't need a religion to tell me how to be, because it is in my being, that I must behave a certain way, period.  

Warriors, the warriors I have spoken about in past blog posts are pure love.  Jesus, Muhammad, Buddah and all the other spiritual leaders in history, where just that.  People walking this earth, telling us that love was the answer.  They were peaceful warriors on earth.  A Warrior is so pure that he/she lives a righteous path.  People are drawn to their goodness to their positive beautiful energy and light. They are magnets,  WOW! how awesome is that?

Love, in my opinion = the true religion.  But don't take my word for it, try it.

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