Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I like to be expressive, I can be so in a nice way, or sometimes in a very bad way also.  I am not perfect nor do I pretend to be.  It is with my constant mistakes, that I can learn and grow from them.  I often feel as if I don't try hard enough, emotions are a constant struggle.  I only hope I am not the only abnormal person in this world, that has a roller coaster of emotions and struggles to control words, thoughts and feelings.......

I was looking for FB statuses, and decided that I no longer really need to put anything on there, because I usually erase whatever I put up.  Instead, when I find one that means something to me or that I read it and it makes me think of something or someone, that I will put it on my blog, so one day later on, I can always reference it and think, that was the time when I was XYZ.  

I saw this one and it made me think of something that I have been looking forward to, so I wanted to share it with anyone who wanders into my blog or maybe someone who wants to know what I'm up to, or just the really cool people that like to follow my blog....... THANK YOU! YOU ARE EVER SO DAMN FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!


Below is what I wanted to share, I found it relevant.

This didn't have a title so I will call it crossing out the calendar days.  It's short, but oh so sweet!

I love crossing off the days on my calendar because each day that passes, is a day closer to being in your arms.

The end....

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What happens in Vegas!

 Dear Journal - I know it has been sometime since I last wrote but as of late, my life has been pretty busy! I came on here tonight to write...