Friday, August 26, 2011


Ok, so I'm sure that if you live on planet earth, you probably heard of Hurricane Irene by now, and if you haven't, then that makes me really happy cause you are hearing it right here on Jazzy's journal first! woooo hoooo!!! I'm writing about something significant FINALLY!!! about time Jazz!

I needed to write something because all day long, all down my newsfeed on FB everyone had something to complain and bitch about regarding their feelings about this hurricane.  Some had some really funny things like, I survived and earthquake a blizzard and now I'm ready for the hurricane.  Other's were bitching because they couldn't fly somewhere, other's were annoyed that they couldn't go to the beach or couldn't get drunk their last weekend before school starts and other's were just annoyed that other's were bitching.  What can I tell you, we are NYer's and we are good at bitching, that's how we roll.

But the truth that I believe is that there is a sense of anxiety and stress that we all feel in some sort of way.  Since this is my blog and I am a selfish bitch, I really don't care about other's, because it's all about Jazzy! so, I will tell you the truth about how I feel about this hurricane.  

I feel a sense of anxiety, because honestly, although I know that people are saying that it isn't that big of a deal and I too agree because that's how things usually go down in NYC, something deep down is telling me that this isn't a laughing matter and that the fact that they are shutting down our transit system, definitely gives me the creeps.  I don't know, I keep visualizing all the movies they ever made about how NY goes down under because of a wave.  YES! I know I am totally exaggerating here, but hey, this is my blog and I can cry if I want to!  But seriously, I feel anxious, I feel as if I am waiting for someone and I don't know how to wait for it, as if there is something I need to do but don't know what it is.  

I asked my ex husband earlier today, if he could come stay with us, because I felt that if anything needed to be done and I couldn't do it, then at least he would be here with us and I won't feel so helpless. I sort of feel like a damsel in distress and I need to feel safe in some young guys arms, what can I tell you, my ex husband is 10 years younger and he is a hotty! so, why not right???

Honestly, I don't know if I'm annoyed or happy that he will be around for a whole day, this will be an interesting experience to say the least, since being around him usually annoys me tremendously.  But I just felt like it is the right thing to do, he lives alone and for something crazy like this, he should be with his kids.  I don't think anything will happen between us, since him an I have a strictly platonic relationship, but I know that his lil girl and boy, will be extremely happy, that daddy will be around for a whole day.  That makes me happy.

Have I prepared at all for this hurricane you ask??? UM my name is Jazzy and if you know me at all, you will know that I am a procrastinator, so no, I have not done a thing, but I promise that tomorrow morning I will go out and get some bread, eggs, milk and cereal.  Oh yeah, and some ice cream so I can lock myself up in my room, read, write watch some movies and hopefully watch as nothing happens.

I think I want to tape my windows up, because I live on the 6th floor and on regular rainy days, my windows look like they are going to crack or something, so maybe it's time that I take things a bit serious and do something like and adult and make sure I do what needs to be done to protect my children.

Who ever comes across this blog and is feeling anxious or nervous or scared, then I am proud of you, because that means you are not an alien, it means you are human just like me.  I feel all those things, because all this talk about this hurricane, is driving me crazy!

ps. I read this short blog that I thought I would's philosophical and I thought it made so much sense.  It's really short and I think everyone in NYC who is feeling any sort of anything, should check it out.

Good Luck NYC! you will be ok!

Oh, and my mom keeps texting me, this really nice things.  Why can't she just show them to me on her phone, she is literally sitting in the next room... OMG! technology, what have you done to my family :)

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