Sunday, June 12, 2011


A few days back, I decided to start a social experiment, where I would date as many people as I could to try and prove my crazy theories on men and women and relationships.  Actually that's the title of a book I really like.  Men Women and Relationships.  I Love the way it sounds so I just had to write it on here.  On a serious note though, what I decided to do was to place an AD on Craig List and tell men that I was younger and had only one child and that I lived in a different place and just a bunch of lies with the ultimate goal of me not being me and seeing if I acted like a "damsel in distress" would it make men feel more comfortable around me or in pursuing me in a different way.

I finally placed the AD on Friday, and it wasn't until yesterday at like 2am that I finally started to respond to the AD responses.  I got about 220 responses and I honestly have to say that I was extremely overwhelmed by it.  I should be happy right? but the honest truth is that right now I feel like crawling back into my shell and staying there all summer long.  I don't want to talk to anyone or meet anyone or continue with this stupid experiment that is more of a chore then anything else.  But, I am true to my projects and I am not going to quit.  

I go into my email briefly I answer a few responses and then I just don't want to be bothered.  But I will tell you briefly what my responses have been like.

One guy sent me a picture of his penis and my response to him was......Dear XYZ, thanks for the nice picture but my AD did not require a picture of your privates.  It seems to me you are looking to get laid, good luck with that.

Another guy said, I am married but I would love to have a lil affair, I am good at finding the him my response was......... Dear XYZ, you should find your wife's GSpot, good luck.

Another guy, I started writing to him and on the third email or so that he sent me, he was like what is your biggest summer fantasy.  To him, I must admit that I was honest to, I told him that my biggest fantasy for this summer was to be at a resort with a good book and a drink.  I asked him what his was and he said mine sounded nice.  Then, on the like 4th email, he says, What's your biggest turn on? so my response to that was..... Listen XYZ it appears that what you are interested in is making this into a sexual conversation and I am not interested in having such a conversation with you.  I don't think I am the woman you are seeking.  Good luck with finding love.

Another one also married, said something like....I'm not very happy in my relationship I would love to have a secret affair.... maybe not the exact words but something like that, my response was........Dear XYZ you need to get out of that relationship asap, if your not happy, why are you in it? Good luck!

Someone else also was married and said something like...... I am looking for something discreet.... So I responded.....Dear XYZ.... What a horrible thing to do to your wife! 

If you are following what I am writing here, then I need not continue to tell you that I am completely disappointed in men in general.  It's really depressing seeing these types of responses.  I sort of knew this though because this is not the first time that I have placed AD's and well Craig List isn't the best place to place an AD like this.  But still, this was supposed to be a fun project and like I said it's not fun at all.

There were actually some men that were very nice with their responses, complimenting me on my picture and then saying things like, I just want an HONEST person.  The key word is HONEST, to those people, I didn't even respond.  I don't think I can do this.  But, I will not give up.  I know that as I continue to respond things will die down and then I will end up with the one's who I might go out for coffee with.  But, I have to admit, that I am not really looking forward to it.  I kind of just want to forget the whole thing and just spend my summer enjoying it with my children.  After this initial phase of my project I just ended up feeling empty and shallow.  

I will keep updating my blog with my project.  But don't be disappointed if I end up with nothing exciting to tell.  Because the truth is, that although some may not believe what I write on my journal to be true.  I write from my heart, this is my JOURNAL it's my real life story that I am sharing with the world.  I go to creative writing classes because I'm not good at making stories up.  I write NON-Fiction.

And this IS, my journal.......THANKS FOR VISITING....

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