Monday, February 28, 2011


I feel like a little school girl.  One that wakes up extra early to get pretty because today she will see the boy she likes.  And every single time I look at the clock to see that the time is getting closer, I get sick to my stomach at the thought that soon, I will be breathing the same air as he.  All this love, what to do with it? 
If I had a choice, there wouldn’t even be a question.  I know who I love, I know who I want.  Unfortunately for me though, I am not a school girl and this is real life and I can’t have what I want.  I have to always be ready for the worst, accept what I didn’t want to accept for so long and move on as if nothing ever happened.
Still, I am trying to live in the moment, this one and I will be near him if only for a few hours and I will breath the same air and share the same space and laugh at the same things and enjoy a few hours of my complete happiness, because he is around.  And when I go, I will know, that it was all worth it because he is kind and wonderful and amazing and I love him no matter how much I shouldn’t.
One day, I will write about someone else someone who will finally have stolen my heart and my thoughts from him.  For now though, I will indulge in the school girl feeling and be thankful that I am capable of feeling it, because that means that I am alive.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Ok, so what you are about to read makes no sense, but I'm thinking of someone and these are the thoughts that are going on in my mind.  This is after all MY JOURNAL RIGHT? And yes, you get to read it and get to know what goes on in my brain...... Pretty cool stuff!

Also, I wonder, do other's think this way as well? does anyone inspire you to have random thoughts of them??? if so, IS THIS NORMAL? or am I some kind or weirdo??? Oh well!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            Inspired by my thoughts of him

Is it normal that I want to suck on your bottom lip?

Is it normal that I have to remind myself that I am not allowed to think of you?

Is it normal that I like the way you walk?

Is it normal that the things I like about you most, are your imperfections?

When I think of your beauty, I am not thinking about what you look like, I see your soul, the person that you are.

When you make fun of me, I like it because it comes from you.  Is that normal?

Why won't you come on the spaceship with me? Please reconsider, I'll ask them to take beer instead of wine, anything to make you happy!

And when I felt really sad, your smile made me feel better, is this a good thing?

I didn't mean to say "I find that cute" you know what I'm talking about right? when I was telling you that you reminded me of a hamster and how I thought it was so cute! oooopsss That one slipped.  After I said it, I thought holly shit! I can't believe that just came out of my mouth But, I really do think it's cute!

Again, your not perfect, but your perfect to me.  Please go on the spaceship with me?

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Thank you for always being a good human being!  You were kind and generous to all those you knew.

I remember how you were the only one who could call me fatty and I wouldn't mind.  You loved me and my children and I knew your love was genuine and sincere.

When you knew I was down and out you brought my children milk, eggs and beef to help me out, that was probably one of the kindest gestures anyone ever offered me.  You were like an uncle to me and I will forever keep you in my heart.  I am sad that you have left this world.  You will be missed by many.

May your soul rest in peace.  

Friday, February 18, 2011

After saying "Fuck Him" so many times

The other day on my way home after posting my "fuck him post" I was thinking about the post, and felt really guilty and horrible about it.

I felt bad about it, because I Love this man with all of my heart, and although my goal is to forget him and move on, thinking to myself "fuck him" at the end of the day, didn't really accomplish that goal.  I also felt bad, because deep down inside I knew I had posted that blog to hurt him with my words.  Whether it did or didn't makes no difference because this isn't about him, it's about me and the fact that I am the one having a problem forgetting him.  So If I wrote that with the second intention, then how does that make me better then him? How does that make me a better person?

I am always promoting love and saying how we as individuals should always practice being kind, yet here I am, writing something terrible about the man I love.  Making him out to be the bad guy yet look at what I did, does that make me the good guy? Or am I just as bad?

Before I posted it, I sent him a message and told him I was going to write it.  I told him my blog was going to be entertaining and that if people read it, then thats all I cared about, because after all I was writing the truth, I dont make stories up.  That what I was going to say, people would want to read it.  Well, that blog post got the most hits out of any other that I've written.  I can't tell who reads my blog, but I can tell how many times a specific post was read.

If that post got the most hits, then what does this mean? does it mean that people indulge or like to know how one person hurts another?  How come I got all those hits on my blog? clearly it was the title, the title made people want to know more.  Because even the title demonstrated my anger.

When I think about this further and reflect on my behavior and reaction to his actions toward me, I realize that having written that post and constantly telling myself "fuck him" every time I thought of him, ultimately made me end up feeling worst, and that a few days later, I felt bad about it and guilty because TWO WRONGS, WILL NEVER MAKE A RIGHT!

I don't want to promote negative feelings.  I want to blog about my life experiences and how I have learned and grown from them, but if the only way I can get people to read what I write is by being mean to another human being.  Then I rather not share those thoughts.  I don't want to hurt someone's feelings for my own gain.  It isn't who I am.

In my heart I know that he didn't mean to hurt my feelings with what he wrote about me, but I do know, that what I wrote was to hurt him.  Who am I? I have lost myself in him and the different feelings that he has put me through.  I guess this makes me the weakest person in the world, or just someone who loves someone else immensely and that is not good, where is the love for myself?

Either way, I know now that my post was that of anger, resentment and hurt and that my actions based on those feelings are not those of a wise person.  My reaction to those feelings is not the type of reaction that I want to practice.

In my search for spiritual growth, I need to learn how to exercise love and kindness to even those who hurt me.  I need to learn how to turn the other cheek, because I am nobody to get someone back for their actions against me.  Or maybe it isn't me, it's them.

So, to my love I write to you, please forgive my un kind words to you.  My anger and hurt got the best of me yet again.  I am only human and I am learning and growing and I will continue to try.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's day to remember. Hunting for the woman you love!

A man, It is in his nature to hunt or do whatever it takes to make the woman he loves happy.  It doesn’t matter if he is a good guy, or a bad boy, when a man truly loves a woman he will do anything for her.  Yes, this is a fact. 
My life has been filled with bad boys, I don’t know what it is about them, but in my young years they were the one’s that made my heart race.  Bad boys, although they may seem tough in the outside, in my experience, they are gentle and tender in the inside, they just show their love in different ways.
My first husband was a bad boy, I can write a whole book only on the crazy things this man was capable of doing.  I can honestly say, I truly admired his fearless ways.  Sometimes people think I am fearless, but the truth is that half the time I am scared to death, which is why I think I had this admiration for him.  I would often think damn I wish I had the balls to do that! I spent most of my relationship with him being his mommy, trying to make him stop doing the crazy things he would do, using the love he had for me to help him change. 
When he died and I walked into the funeral home, his sister accused me of his death, she said “if you would of stayed with my brother, he would still be alive” I felt like crap! But I almost felt like this could be true.  I was the ONLY one, who could control him a little bit all because he loved me.
I was never truly in love with him, but I loved him very much our marriage was not one of your typical love story man on bended knee asks girl to marry him.  He wasn't ready for marriage and neither was I.  But us getting married wasn't a thing of, we are in deep love and want to spend the rest of our lives together, it was more that of me saying, hey I know you need a green card, why don’t we get married? I want to help you, yeah, I’m cool like that, I like to help people whenever I can. 
We got married and set out on a journey of nothing but drama, this man gave me many sleepless nights.  At one point, he was the driver of strippers, so I had to go to bed every night knowing that my husband was out taking strippers to work my man was hanging out with sexy women, yeah I know, every girls dream to have a man like that right?
My man also loved partying and doing drugs, this would cause him to stay out all night sometimes, and my role was to stay in bed and cry hoping that he was ok.  I don’t know if I cried of anger or fear, still, I remember crying many nights for him, praying that he would be safe. 
One Valentine’s day, he comes to me with a box and he is all excited like a lil boy.  That valentine's day, my man had done whatever he had to do to make his woman happy.  I will never forget the look on his face with happiness, he wanted to make valentine’s day special for me.  I looked at the unwrapped box that read VCR on it, we didn’t have one so of course I was really really happy, and then it dawned on me and I asked the question that would undoubtedly have an answer that would probably be upsetting and make the gift not that appealing anymore, but I had to know.  I knew for sure he had no money, I knew for sure he had no job, I also knew he was always up to some sort of illegal activity.  After me getting upset and catching a fit about it, he finally answered my question.  He said, Jazz I stole it and I know you told me that you want me to change and I am really trying, I’m looking for work and I am trying to change for you, but how can I let valentine’s day go by and not buy my wife a gift?  As I am writing this and am recalling that night, tears are rolling down my face.  He loved me and he would risk going to jail, stealing doing whatever he had to do just to try to make his woman happy.
I started to cry really hard after he told me that, I told him that I didn’t know whether to be happy because he would do something  crazy just to make my valentine’s day special or if I was mad that he was still out there doing the things I didn’t want him to do.  I would always tell him, I don’t want diamonds and pearls, I just want you to be safe and for us to live a simple life.  I just want you’re love, but with Ronald, it was never simple.  Ron would go out and rob illegal gambling houses at knife point, he would go out and sell drugs, he would go out and transport hookers/strippers all to take care of the woman he loved.  Hunt for the woman he loved. 
Ronald, may your soul rest in peace, I hope that wherever you are, you know that I will never forget that you loved me.
Happy Valentine’s day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

OMG! I kissed him!

I will try to make this really short because I am soooo tired.  My new crush, the man that is slowly creeping into my thoughts and won't leave me alone (in my mind that is) what else can I say about him other then the fact that I think he is amazing!

So there I am standing in front of him, I feel my palms getting really really sweaty and my heart is racing, and I am talking to him can't even remember what about, but we are both just feeling this incredible rush, one that we can't control and next thing I know.... he grabs me in a rough yet tender way with his body language saying, I want to make you mine right now, and he starts kissing me and holding me tight close to him.  I'm not even believing this is going on and I'm lost in the moment and it feels soooo gooooooddddd PASSION! I start to feel aroused and then......... 

I woke up! FML!!!!! and I couldn't go back to sleep........ I NEVER EVEN DREAM!!! WTF!!!!! I couldn't go back to sleep to finish my dream.  Why does that ALWAYS HAPPEN???

Do dreams come true???

Dear new crush:

The sound of your laughter I listen for
your facial expressions, I adore
the way you think, I get it
the way you feel I wonder?
I wish you knew, I yearn for you.

I hope this one dream does...... KISS ME!

Note to self: the person I am referring to in this post is the same person I had secret conversations with. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


The Story Below, was written by a very good friend of mine.  He also enjoys writing and he sent it to me so that I could read it.  I don't condone cheating, and I am going to be writing about cheating soon, but to my friends defense, sometimes in life we are caught up in situations and we end up doing things we are not very proud of.

To my friend who sent me this story:
Thank you for sharing and allowing me to post it.  GOOD LUCK ALWAYS! love you lots!

This story begins just over one year ago…

It was a trying time in his life. His marriage has been shaky from the beginning; he never wanted to marry his wife. He knew no good would come from it. She was different from him not a lot in common and what they did share they did so reluctantly. But he was in a stage in his life. A stage that had him question his self worth, whether he was even worth being considered a man. He made some changes in his life, major changes. It was time to get his ducks in a row, before his body gave way to the maggots of obesity.

His body was flush with disease: diabetes, gout, high blood pressure. His cabinets held more prescriptions than plates. His wife was there but not in the way he had hoped for. She had her own demons and he was defenseless to them. He could not cope with his and her issues as much as he tried. She too failed at even acknowledging his issues. Never once did she take a moment to ask how are you? Is everything ok? For her it was about her needs and wants. This translated to everything in their lives, from the car, house and even the baby she desired. His needs were never met, looked at as if they were wants and could be shunned to a later date.

He yearned for communication, for intimacy neither need was ever met unless there was confrontation; this is all he knew for 13 years of being with her. He knew that if he wanted his needs met he would need to argue, to fight in order to have both of those needs met. The fights where their form of communication, the time in which he could finally get out what he needed to say and she would listen, but not hear him. These arguments were the same each time, the same with each breath. Nothing changed or wavered from them. It was as if they were scripted, with the same words spoken. He grew tired of this his mental capacity for this type of interaction grew very weak. He expressed to her this and she took it as nothing.
     As time went on he started to hate life, watching all those couples having fun, smiling, enjoying one another’s company. His life was that of solitude. Yes he had the American dream, had the house in the suburbs, the 2 cars, even had one kid and 2 dogs. Life on paper was perfect, but within those walls his life was in shambles.

     Two years after he signed on the dotted line they discussed the idea of children. For him, he heard intimacy, something he was craving for so long. She wanted the child to perfect the American dream. So they set out to try…he thought this would be a long winded process of getting it right, hell nothing ever in his life went that easy anyway. So when after consummating the path once they found new life was beset on them…What? how can that be he thoughtjust once is all it took! His wants of intimacy ruined at that moment. Her plan was intact, she now had what she desired and his needs and wants were pushed to the side. He patiently waited for this new life to be brought, hoping that in this little one he can find happiness that would make him want to stay in this dismal marriage. On the first day of June that following year his daughter took her first breath. A joyous occasion unlike any other, his life had changed, he was protector to his baby girl from that moment.
      But her life as precious as it was, was not enough for him. He needed more wanted more out of life. After her birth he tried to make amends with this. Tried feverishly but could not find the magic ingredient that made him happy. He embarked on a new path, saw that his current ways would cause nothing but hardship and pain to him and his family if he did nothing. His choice was to get fit by any means necessary. He found solace in the fact that he was not just doing this for himself but for his daughter.

     Gastric bypass was in his future, he made all the arrangements for the surgery sat and discussed it with friends and family. His wife put up the biggest issue, you do not need to do this was said many times over. If you do this you will leave me, this was said numerous times. Not the fact that this is a surgery and you could die or there are complications or can you try something else first. This bothered him immensely, over a dinner with her he mentioned to her that this is something that may have to be curtailed the constant eating out. Her answer to him was “I have friends to go out with” now hearing that was a dagger thru the heart. She was not onboard with him. He heard her in disbelief. She did not care that he was going to alter his life and he knew and told her that she did not have to follow a strict manifest like he was to. All he hoped for was her to say I have your back, but she didn’t, she put her needs again in front of his, as always this was a one way highway not a normal give some and take some just take some.
      Fast forward several months and many nights in therapy. Nothing has changed with this relationship. He has asked and begged for something but nothing is being heard... So one night he sets out for the unthinkable. He goes through unconventional methods to talk to someone, ANYONE.  Hell if he could just talk to someone and not have the animosity between them…his wants here go unfulfilled at first, the same kind of banter that makes him want to shun society and lock himself away with multiple books and the necessities and not have to interact at all, it sounded better than the alternative of speaking with people either to full of themselves or looking for mr. money bags or save me from my problem people.

      But after a run with the first one, he decides to put out some more feelers. This time around two conversations seem promising. This is short lived and he is down to one. But there is something about this one. The way the words are strung together, they sound as if this person is seeking out the same. The banter that goes between is enlightening. Nothing labored, it seems as if they are able to converse on a level that he has not been in a very long time.
      It is not long until they meet; his amazement at how beautiful she is has him wondering if he could even go through with this. They choose a book store close to her job and he gets there ahead of time, kind of sets up shop. His nerves have his now smaller frame racing. He sees her walk in the front door of the store. He immediately ducks down in fear and does not know what to do. He is scared to meet her. Their conversations on the information superhighway are so good that he is nervous that the face to face would be an end to all of that. But he bucks up and approaches her. Her beauty is stifling it has him speaking with his hands more than his mouth. He is aware of everything about her but yet it is all a blur. They chat for a few, she looks disinterested, he is now wondering if meeting her was a mistake. Did this spell the end of great dialogue? After about ten minutes they parted ways. He walked her to her car, held the door and said their goodbyes. She promised to be online once she got home that night, to which he felt that she would not. He progressed to his car and sat down and finally took the deep breath that he so needed. He flipped down the mirror and looked himself in the eyes and stated well I guess that was nice and that he would never see or hear from her again.

      As he drove home he thought over and over what he had embarked and how this would change the way of life as he knew it. This was his first step of many that made his married life become its own separate entity, something that would be referred to as hell or the term S.O. for significant other.

        He arrived home to b.f.e. and made his way to his dungeon, some may call it a basement but this was his life now. He spent countless hours in this space, hoping for the next person to chat to. But tonight was different, he was hoping for this beauty with brains to speak with him. After he said his hellos and goodnights he turned on his laptop to see her name highlighted with a message. Hey where are you? Was written, and he immediately responded, this conversation picked up right where it left off, to his amazement.

       She said it was nice to meet you and he expelled the same to her. He was smitten with her looks and admired her mental capacity. He was latching on with trepidation. He knew that this was not what he should be doing. Sitting two floors up was his wife and as much as he wanted that to change she still held onto that title. But he digressed and relaxed into a pleasurable state as his new friend and he chatted the night away.
      The next day was no different it was heavy the go between, he wanted to see her again but allowed her to set the rules so she would feel safe. He knew a little bit about her and saw that she too was in a similar situation.

       They chatted about anything and everything. They watched CNN on tv and discussed it through instant messaging as if they shared the same bed. They spoke on everything. He had felt as if his game needed to step up. She was an intellectual and he knew he was not a slouch but still he needed to get a better handle on it. By week’s end they decided to meet again, this time at a friend of hers house. He patiently waited for the day to come and he made sure he dressed to impress or at least show he knew how to bathe himself.

        He made his way over to the swanky part of town, nice houses prior to the debacle of the housing market, these homes were all well over the 400’s.  He met her friend who was an odd character but he could see they complimented each other, they had a bond. The night grew on and she and he sat on the couch having a beer and talking, she got very comfortable with him and placed her feet under him so he could warm her up. He thought that strange at first, thinking for a second that she is showing signs of being extremely comfortable with him. Was this her personality or was it his presence? He chose the middle ground so his head would not swell to the point that he could no longer hold it up.

       Before the night was over she invited him over to her house. This was across the street, she was in the process of moving out and back into the home that she and her husband created. All good things come to an end, is what he thought. They chatted in the house and she showed him around. He took notice of her impeccable taste and the niceness of the home.

      They sat on the couch and talked and then proceeded to the  fireplace which he could not light, she stood with a candle flicker and he so wanted to kiss her, but he held back. He was unsure of the situation but really unsure of himself.  Should he do this? will she be responsive? The moment had passed and he stood in despair. He had missed the opportunity to kiss such a beautiful woman. They went back to sitting on the couch where she made herself very comfortable with him again, one thing led to another and they embraced. He felt tingles deep down in his soul, the kisses were magical for him, he was never much of a kisser but this was different. They held each other touching and groping one another. His shirt being pulled over his head her shirt being opened up. They embraced this whole time while their hands roamed each others body. She reached for his belt and undid it. He allowed her to run the show, at this moment he would not know what to do. It was months almost a year since he last touched a woman and he felt lost, unsure of what was or should happen. Her touch was so tender so warm and inviting he held his breath. He was in such a euphoric state that he was hers for whatever she wanted. The culmination of all of their conversations and now this, for him it was more than sex it was the start of something that he yearned for. It was now staring him in his face. Yes this was illicit, their actions underhanded to their S.O’s but he wanted her and she wanted him. As the moments ticked away his subconscious came to light and he hit a roadblock mentally, his apparatus was not going to cooperate with him or her.

      His vows, his contract with his wife, his night with his princess now over in that regard. She took it in stride, consoled him as he left. He has never felt this low about himself. He immediately went home and sat in the dark and tried to make ends of this. His desires and wants were staring him in his face and his hatred of life was sitting two floors above him.
      His princess continued to contact him which he felt good about, having not forgotten about that night he vowed for it to never happen again. That maybe it is a side effect of his surgery or maybe it is his current diet, but he knew where it stemmed from. It was not anything against his new found friend it was the fact he had not ended what he was currently in and he felt bad in that respect. But this new relationship was flourishing. They met a few more times and again had opportunity to consummate their relationship. This time it was on the floor of her house, her home in which she had spent the last year or so in before she had been forced to go back to her family home. He made it a momentous occasion, he brought to her the pleasure that she had wanted and she gave him more than he could ever imagine. This moment forever sealed into the time space continuum for him. She was amazing, so beautiful, so gentle, so sexy. Her eyes spoke volumes to him.
       As time went on they became very good friends, they shared a lot. Nothing seemed taboo, he asked about her past/current situation. She divulged things to him told him about herself in a detail that you may only speak with someone if you knew them twenty plus years. There was something to be said about that. The ease of saying what you wanted or needed was a good evil, this will prove itself in time he thought. Maybe some things are better left unsaid, in the closet or in the dark so to speak.

      But he went on, she was his sounding board and he was hers. She went on about a man that she had in her life recently that was someone that he saw she loved immensely. He was skeptical about this other man. He knew little but his curiosity got to him, he wanted to know more. He knew she was still seeing him from time to time and that they were romantic as well. This hurt him, he could not stand the thought of her with another especially after some of the stuff that she had told him. But what was he to do, if he says something more than a slight rumble she may just stop talking to him…and go back to the other. So he kept quiet, sat there with a smile when she said he was an asshole or a jerk. Hearing about his demise was ego boosting to him, he sat and thought that this other man’s loss was his gain. He saw what she had within. But this other man kept in the picture for many months and caused many issues over and over with him. He could not understand why after all this time she still wanted to talk to him. Was it that he was her soul mate? did he offer her everything that she ever wanted, was he her fairy tale prince? This messed up the ego and psyche of him, he stood in the mirror and wondered why he was still standing there and trying to get her attention. Was it that she was with another and that what you can not have is what you want? or was it something deeper? He sat multiple days and pondered that.  But inside of him something was growing, something more than just a want of some sexual activity, he wanted her mind, body and spirit. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


When I wrote my very first Blog post, I talked about a man who changed my life forever, he did indeed do just that.  There are  reasons and specific details as to why.  But I will not be writing about those specifics in my blog, because that stuff I am keeping for my book (the book I hope to write in a few years).  This man not only changed my life forever, but he also caused me a lot of heart ache and sadness.

For these last almost 3yrs of my life, I have struggled tremendously to get over him, I have tried things that most people never even heard of doing just to move on.  Nothing has worked, until now.... 

To you, I will give the gift of revealing my secret strategy of moving on from someone you love who doesn't want you or has done nothing but cause you heart ache and pain.  Yes, I could probably charge a LOT of money for this, but, since I'm cool like that, you get a freeby.  Brace yourself!

What is my new strategy you ask??? Well here it is......

It is simply.......FUCK HIM! yup that's the strategy.  It's simply FUCK HIM! and here is how it works.

So I will get up in the morning and my very first thought will usually be about him.  Before, I would start to dwell on it and start feeling sad about it.  Now, when I wake up an he pops up in my mind I think "whatever! FUCK HIM" and I start my day.  Then I'll be on the train on my way to work, and he will pop up in my mind again and I will say to myself why are you thinking of him??? FUCK HIM!

Later that day, I'll be at work and get the urge to go on my phone and look at his FB status and I will think to myself, "why am I looking at what this man has to say??? it's clearly not very important and, usually if it's not something related to technology which really isn't something that I can use or grow from in any way shape or form, then the status pertains to "how great he is or he pretends to be" so I then think, why am I stalking him??? it's not worth the time and effort! this marvelous energy that I am clearly wasting on someone who thinks he is God's gift to the world, I can use it on something more productive.  So instead of checking the page I simply think "FUCK HIM"!

Then I will be on my way to class from work and I'll see his name on something random (always happens) or something will remind me of him, or my ipod will play a song we discussed and I will think to myself, what a stupid sign and/or this song isn't even that good and by the way Jazz, why are you thinking about him??? "FUCK HIM"!I know I know, mental cursing isn't very lady like, however, to my defense, that man hasn't been very nice to me anyway.

He has his own blog as well, and  he has blogged about me before.  The times that he has, his blog posts weren't very kind or considerate of my feelings at all.  Therefore, I think that sharing this story with you, about someone's unkind writings about me, don't make me feel as if me saying to myself constantly "fuck him" is that awful.  So, why can't I mentally curse him out?

His blog is way busier then mine, he writes a lot of very interesting stuff.  So, why in the world, does he feel that he needs to write about me? and the stuff he writes isn't in my opinion very nice? sure he uses fancy words and I have to admit his writing is beautiful however, if you don't want to talk to me or be my friend, why are you wasting your time writing about me??

The first time he wrote about me was 2 years ago right after our friendship ended.  In that blog post, he made me sound like this horrible person who was out to get him.  The evil witch, that was trying to hurt the poor nice guy.  In that blog post all kinds of people were commenting on and on about how horrible I was.  Remember, his blog is extremely busy, so much so that he gets sometimes paid from google for their ads.  So, here he is getting hits on his blog by talking about this horrible human being who did something really really bad to him.  One person even gave him pointers on how he could get me arrested WTF!

Then, a few weeks ago right after I saw him and told him that I still loved him, he blogs about me again referring to me as if I'm some stranger! This man has never once had any consideration for my feelings.  I understand that men are not as sensitive as woman, however, we should ALWAYS show every single human being some type of love and respect.

I understand that he does not love me back and that he does not choose to be with me. I understand and respect that, what I don't understand is, that when you take into consideration another human beings feelings, then there are certain things you just don't do!

I saw him on that day because I needed some sort of closure, he was very aware of my reason for seeing him, he was also aware that I was going to be in the same place with him and him knowing me the way he does, I am sure he knew that I just wanted to know that we forgave one another and that we could finally close this almost lingering heavy burden from our past and feel free and good, move on and let go of those hurtful feelings.

I thought that the kindest human thing for the both of us to do on that day, would of been to end everything there.  For his answers to whatever my questions or inquiries were to be addressed that day, because after all, he knew I would ask. 

But instead of him addressing my questions and telling me something like, Jazz we are cool but I would really prefer to not maintain contact, or Jazz I'm sorry you feel that way it wasn't my intention.  I honestly at that point would of even been happy with a Jazz why don't you just "fuck off."  I even said that to him and he just giggled, I'm serious I did say that to him and he giggled??? as if he wasn't the intelligent grown man that he is, as if his vocabulary wasn't full of words that sometimes I would have to look up in the dictionary because I seriously didn't know the meaning.  Like if he wasn't a 4.0 college graduate.  No, this man said nothing, he just giggled. 

The thing is, that he knows me well enough to know, that if he would of addressed those things right there and then, I would of left him alone.  He knows me better then anyone in this world.  He knows my mind.  So, why didn't he do that??? why didn't he just say what he needed to right there and then???

Instead, the next day, he writes about me again making me sound like I was some stranger he had just met who as he put it "he was having an interesting conversation with" OUCH!

If someone loved me as much as I have loved him and I didn't feel the same way.  First, I would be sincerely honored that someone would think me to be so great that they were giving their love to me.  And second, I would treat this person with the up most respect and consideration. But, he is who he is, maybe all this time I was just wrong about who I believed him to be.  Maybe it is true that love is blinding to the point that you make the person better then what they actually are.  I don't know.

So, there you have it, if you are being treated un kind, by someone you love, then the kindest thing you can do for yourself is say "fuck them" I guarantee, there will be someone out there that will most certainly deserve what you have to offer. 

Yes I'm still working on getting over him and moving on but with my new "FUCK HIM" strategy, I feel good about it and am sincerely moving on.

So, fuck him or her! This strategy is extremely effective.


If you decide to use my "Fuck them" strategy, you might find yourself laughing A LOT, (this happens to me all the time) this will cause people on the street or wherever you are, to look at you and think you are crazy! That is OK laughter and smiles are contagious! just DON'T GIVE UP! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

20 years to young, 20 years to old.


Damn girl, you look good.  Sexy face and nice body.  Ya know I had a long day, but I really wouldn’t mind talking to ya don’t take it oddly.  When we talk I can’t help but forget everything surrounding us.
Baby girl it’s only me and you, don’t hold back from what we digress.  I slow down time just to make sure we get to know each other well, I’ve been stuck inside this shell for too long, if something is meant to take place only time will tell.
Until then, let’s play this little game we will see if it’s got real potential.
I wish I would of never met him, because now I wouldn’t be thinking of only him, I was just minding my business not even looking for a friend.
He came and brought me happiness and quickly took it back, it was a rush of adrenaline the kind of natural high.  I miss him now and wonder, where did we go wrong? my baby tell me why, all of a sudden you are gone?
Inspired by: 2 people that wish they could.

Sometimes in life, we are 20 years to early or 20 years to late.  Still, we can allow ourselves to live the moments and make them count.  10.10.10

Why 2012?

 Dear Journal - Life has been happening and this last year has been rough to say the least, but I'm still alive and I'm still kickin...