Friday, September 9, 2011


I'm not here for your entertainment, you don't really want to mess with me tonight, just stop and take a second I was fine before you walked into my life!!!

When I was younger and partied 6 days a week, I used to get so damn annoyed when I would be in a club walking around and guys would constantly pull and tug at my hands and arms.  LEAVE ME ALONE! I especially used to be annoyed back then, because I loved dancing and the main reason for me frequenting night clubs was so that I could dance, or watch people dance.  I am fascinated by the art of dancing.  For a long time, my best friend at the time and I, started going to gay clubs, because there, everyone thought that she was my girlfriend and her an I could have all the fun that we wanted to have without having to bother with stupid men trying to pick us up.  WE LOVED IT! We would dance allll night long! it was awesome!

I am writing this quick post because these thoughts have been on my mind and I feel like I need to put them down on paper (or my blog) immediately because if I don't, they will just hang around me like a little cloud with words above my head.  It's soooo annoying! So as quickly as possible let me say what this post is about.

It isn't that I am trying to justify men in any way shape or form here, please know that I usually don't defend men because to me they are all a bunch of dogs!  Actually, lately I sort of dislike men tremendously, so you know I am most definitely not trying to justify them or defend them in any way with what I am about to write.  

This past week however, in my Psychology class, I learned that the reason why men are constantly having sexual thoughts, it's because unconsciously, they are looking to mate, to reproduce.  Yes, I am aware that many people know this or do they? well, I sort of knew this because I had read about it before.  But I just found it so extremely extraordinary, that I decided that I will no longer be annoyed at the guys that try pulling my arm as I walk past them in a bar, because after all, the fact that they pull my arm, means that they see me as someone that they would like to have a baby with! HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT!!!! unconsciously, men are looking for the most suitable mate that in their subconscious mind, would procreate a good looking offspring to continue our species.  So ladies, when you get pulled and tugged by the stupid annoying shit face that won't leave you alone, cut him some slack.  In his subconscious mind, he just wants to procreate with you and that means that he thinks your genes and his genes together, would make a beautiful baby!  

Poor stupid men! they have no clue, that at the end of the night, they will end up going home alone! but at least if they have educated themselves on the topic of why they are ALWAYS trying to get laid! they will know that it isn't really their fault.  It is a biological thing that they almost can't control! and if you are getting pulled and tugged, it just means that you are pro-creation material! NOW I'M EXTREMELY FLATTERED! and here I was all these years thinking that they just wanted to get laid! damn me! how dare I be upset with all these fine gentlemen thinking me good enough to have their babies, awwww! Next time this happens, I'm just going to smile politely and say something like, NO I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE YOUR CHILD! I can't wait to see the look on some guys face when I do that! 

Seriously though, I think it to be amazing, how the human mind works and how when you think about these things in a deep way, they make so much sense.  We are built in an amazing way, it's just mind boggling!

I have a theory about women my age that constantly think about sex too.  This I didn't learn, this is just my own theory.  I think that the reason why women my age think about sex so often, is because in my subconscious mind, I know that in a few years I will no longer be able to procreate (please note: I DO NOT WANT SUCH A THING) But maybe, subconsciously, older women that think about sex just as much as men probably do, do so, because biologically they know that they will no longer be useful for procreation.  I don't know, that's just my own little theory, but stay tuned, because I plan on finding that out.  There has to be a logical explanation about my out of control sex drive!



please enjoy one of my favorite songs by PINK.  I LOVE HER! 


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What happens in Vegas!

 Dear Journal - I know it has been sometime since I last wrote but as of late, my life has been pretty busy! I came on here tonight to write...